Sample French Delf B2 Exam Part 1: Candidate's document example: listening reading writing Exam

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Sample French Delf B2 Exam Part 1: Candidate's document example: listening reading writing Exam

1. Reading Exam: During the Reading Exam, What do I have to do?

  1. Read the article and understand the text’s global meaning.
  2. Study the questions carefully.
  3. Read the article again and find out and understand the writer’s viewpoint. 
  4. Identify how the texte is articulated and analyse the arguments. (Pay attention to the Linking Words).
  5. Answer the questions (Better give some short answers).

2. Writing Exam: During the Writing Exam, What do I have to do?

  • Read REALLY carefully and understand completely the questions.
  • Make an outline.
  • Write an Introduction and end with a conclusion
  • Find out convincing arguments. 
  • Highlight important experiences and events.
  • Justify your point of view.
  • Evaluate various solutions.
  • Express feelings about a Topic.
  • Summarize arguments and informations from different origins.
  • Explain the Pros and Cons between different options.
  • End with a conclusion

3.During the Listening Exam, What do I have to do?

  • Understand the circumstances globally.
  • Find out the audio’s framework. 
  • Understand the speaker’s viewpoint. 
  • Take some notes during the listening
  • Find out who the peoples are (thanks to the language level you have to find out who is the boss/teacher/… and who is the employee/student/…).
  • Rephrase the global message.
  • Answer with arguments and examples.

4.During the Speaking Exam, What do I have to do?

  • Describe a document in a detailed and clear way. 
  • Develop structured arguments agreeing or disagreeing with the document.
  • Underline the main ideas and use some short quotations.
  • Expose your proper point of view and use current events.
  • Give some pertinent examples to illustrate your arguments.
  • Give a conclusion.
  • Offer a wider perspective to open the debate.
  • Anticipate the possible objections.

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